Bringing an awareness of compositional balance and tonal harmonies to her work, Ms. Bernstein manipulates shape and colour so that the landscape elements ultimately become independent artistic elements that alternately merge with and then challenge each other within the artifical space. In this way, she creates a vital and essential relationship among those elemental forms, often resulting in a nearly-abstract landscape.
Ms. Bernstein's poetic photographs are informed by the natural splendors of sublime landscapes and are complemented by an urban sensibility to unusual and vital combinations of forms and space. By suggesting both the awesomeness and sublimity of nature, she evokes passionate visual and intellectual response form viewers. As if creating an existential reflection on the human condition, she often chooses to depict lone humans being absorbed by Nature even as they seem to confront it...
... She has furthermore manipulated the viewer's experience by suggesting mystery within the objects in her works, causing the viewer to explore both the objective reality and the hidden nature of the images. The viewer's response, therefore, becomes equally philosophical and visual, as well as highly visceral and intensely personal.
- Dr. Gail Harrison Roman
Bodie Vintage Car 2 |
GailHarrison Roman, Ph. D. specializes in nineteenth and twentieth century
European, Dutch Baroque, and Russian avant-garde art. She is respected world-wide and sought-after as a lecturer and writer.